Vanessa A. Seifert
Philosophy of Chemistry// Philosophy of Science
Here you can find non-academic articles, reviews, interviews & online talks, including my articles published in Jargonium & Chemistry World
Chemistry World
Why is it so controversial to do the right thing for the environment?
Chemistry World
The importance of the expert eye in scientific progress
Chemistry World
It was crucial to the development of chemistry
Talk at the Center for the Philosophy of Science and Society at the Université catholique de Louvain
Talk (in greek) for the celebration of the 25 years of the Master's program on Chemical Education
Chemistry World
Appreciating technology’s role in understanding how the world works
Talk at the 26th Conference of the International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
Chemistry World
How scientists look into the past, present and future
A tribute to a great scholar, co-written w/ James Ladyman
Profile at ChemMatters - a magazine of the Americal Chemical Society
Chemistry World
How the Scientific Revolution made it culturally permissible to exploit nature
Co-presented w/ Alexander Franklin
95th Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society, Open Session
Panel Discussion w/ Clare Moriarty, Jessica Wilson & Philip Ball
Chemistry World
How simplifications help us to better understand the world
A short summary of my published paper "The strong emergence of molecular structure"
There is no doubt that chemistry provokes interesting philosophical questions.
Intrumentation and Measurement I Physics World weekly podcast
Book Review
My review of a collection of articles ed. by E. Scerri & G. Fisher
Chemistry World
A debate about metaphysics that’s crucial to how we understand the world
Interview at the Science Me Podcast where I present the basic ideas & questions in philosophy of science (in greek).
Chemistry World
Supporting a hypothesis is more difficult than it might seem
Chemistry World
How gender may influence scientific knowledge
Chemistry World
Ionic, covalent, metallic and more… but there’s debate about whether bonds are real at all
Chemistry World
The role of background beliefs and assumptions in the development of science
Chemistry World
How an event in chemistry shaped philosophy
BJPS Short Reads
A summary co-written with A. Franklin on our joint BJPS paper
Chemistry World
Empirical evidence is not always sufficient to evaluate the models we use
Chemistry World
Without realising it, chemists use a range of philosophical tools to probe the world
Chemistry World
Proving that atoms and molecules exist is surprisingly difficult
With Karoliina Pulkkinnen and Sarah Hijmans, we created Jargonium; a website that brings the humanities closer to chemistry!
The Conversation
Article at The Conversation